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María Elina Mayorga, founder and artistic director of San Juan Canta, she has also been founder and artistic director of other choral events of great national and international prestige in which she has gained vast experience that now, together with the Arturo Beruti Choir, is put at the service of the organization of San Juan Canta.

Among the most outstanding events, without a doubt are San Juan Coral, Ansilta and Música Sacra in San Juan.

All have had common lines of action that are also currently supported in San Juan Canta:

1) the projection of the event in the community through the performance of innumerable concerts in schools, museums, churches and other cultural spaces of San Juan to share the song with the entire provincial community

2) the organization of workshops and conferences by prestigious invited professionals, to offer participants and other interested parties the opportunity to study and improve on various topics related to universal choral singing.

3) the gala concerts at the Juan Victoria Auditorium, the main venue of the festivals. This Auditorium is one of the most important concert halls in Latin America due to its excellent acoustics and modern design. It constitutes an important attraction and an artistic delight for the participating choirs and the public present.

No less important has been the careful programming of a demanding and diverse repertoire, including works commissioned and first auditioned in San Juan. Folklore, traditional music and typical costumes have also been present, reflecting the traditions and identities of the participating choirs.

Social gatherings where friendship, music and dance, typical foods, delicious wines from the region and the new affections of the friendly choral atmosphere magically closed each event.

Nine editions of San Juan Coral and four editions of Ansilta, among other projects carried out, have placed choral activity in San Juan at a point of great attraction and international recognition.
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International Choir Festival

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Choir Contest and Festival

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The first edition of ANSILTA was held in August 2007, immediately followed by a second (festival only, without the competitive instance) in 2008.

In 2010, a special edition was held in adherence to the Bicentennial of the May Revolution, which had important celebrations throughout Argentina.

In 2012, ANSILTA was put on hold, due to the realization, also by the Arturo Beruti Choir, of the great interreligious artistic meeting called MUSICA SACRA EN SAN JUAN held in November 2012.

The ANSILTA programming is resumed in August 2014, the year from which it is redesigned in the current event: SAN JUAN CANTA.
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November 22 to 27, 2012 - An event that has brought together the artistic expressions of the five most widespread religions in the world through artists from Argentina, Japan, Indonesia, Germany, Nepal, the United States, Russia and Israel.

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[email protected]
Phone & WhatsApp: +54 9 264 452 5301
Pasaje Cervantes 1625 norte
5400 San Juan, Argentina

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SAN JUAN CANTA complies with the quality guidelines stipulated by the IFCM (International Federation for Choral Music) and the CFN (The Choral Festival Network) for International Choral Festivals and Competitions.